When industry applications require a metal that’s tough, with remarkable corrosion and high temperature resistance, plus superior tensile strength, cr-mo, or low-alloy steel, fabrication delivers. While other materials experience fatigue and can disappoint in the areas of load-bearing and pressure tolerance, chromium molybdenum steel can be a pleasant surprise. It’s an alloy that compensates for the traditional weaknesses of steel, and one that Boardman is ready to prescribe for its versatility, durability, and more.
Low-Alloy Steel is an alloy that’s considerably stronger and harder than standard steel and is used for high-temperature process equipment. It’s often used in construction and manufacturing applications, and is recognized in several industries for having these advantages:
Whether your engineered drawings call for chrome moly steel or the engineers at Boardman have recommended it, we’re ready to discuss its benefits and how they can enhance the success and longevity of your next project. Contact us to discuss.
When you’re selecting a fabricator, look to the one who’s been in business since 1910, and whose portfolio includes the following, for starters:
Boardman has fabricated projects such as…
Our production team understands how to control temper embrittlement and minimize stress concentrations to eliminate cracking. That means you’ll receive a high-quality product you can rely on for continual top performance.
We encourage you to view a few of our past projects and then get in touch with us to request a quote.
Chromium molybdenum fabrication fills important needs in many different industries, including:
No matter your industry, if you have a need for cr-mo fabrication related to ASME pressure vessels, trayed towers and columns, or custom fabrication, contact us today. We’ll listen to your needs, answer your questions, and provide a customized quote that includes stewardship to see your project through to completion.
We are experts in working low alloy, but you’ll also find these materials on our shop floor:
You have your choice of fabricators. Some have been in business longer than others. Some offer lower prices, and some have reputations that precede them. How will you choose?
For our customers, it’s a no-brainer. They choose us time after time because of the stewardship promise we keep. We guide them through the entirety of their project, making sure they’re well-informed and supported. We allow them to dictate their level of involvement, and we answer questions, provide insight, and empower them to succeed in their industry.
If that sounds like something that would make your next project run more smoothly, then it’s worth having a conversation with a member of the Boardman team. We’re waiting to hear from you—to learn how we can help.